NCFTA & FiVerity Advisory on Synthetic Identities
This bulletin will help protect financial institutions and their customers from cyber fraud, money laundering, and other cybercrimes. The NCFTA and FiVerity outline an introduction to synthetic identity fraud, highlight its rapid growth in 2020, and note how this is a spring board for other crime.
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Topics covered include:
- An introduction to synthetic identity fraud
- SIF's rapid growth, with a 25% rate of growth
- How criminals use this cyber fraud as a front for money laundering, criminal acts, and terrorist activity.
- How this sophisticated fraud evades traditional detection models
- Current solutions on the market to combat this, specifically machine-learning and artificial intelligence solutions
- The importance of collaboration between financial institutions, regulators, and law enforcement agencies
The National Cyber-Forensics and Training Alliance (NCFTA) is a non-profit founded in 2002, focused on identifying, mitigating, and disrupting cybercrime threats globally. The NCFTA was created by industry, academia, and law enforcement for the sole purpose of establishing a neutral, trusted environment that enables two-way information sharing with the ultimate goal to identify, mitigate, disrupt, and neutralize cyber threats. Through the NCFTA, private industry and government work together in a neutral, trusted environment (