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2024 Identity Fraud Report

The nature of Synthetic Identity Fraud (SIF) has become increasingly elusive, with fraudsters constantly refining their tactics to circumvent detection.

Download the Report

This report will provide you with knowledge on the following topics:
  • Understanding Synthetic Identity Fraud (SIF) as a Threat: Explore the implications of SIF and its impact on security frameworks.
  • How SIF Became a Problem: Analyze the historical context and developments that have contributed to the rise of SIF.
  • The Characteristics of a SIF Account: Identify the key features and behaviors that may indicate the presence of a synthetic identity.
  • Measuring Digital Identity Trust to Defend Against SIF: Learn strategies and technologies that can be utilized to measure and establish digital identity trust to effectively combat SIF.
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"DCU was initially impressed with the adaptability of FiVerity's AI-based models and ease of deployment. Now that it's been in production with daily use by our Fraud Investigation team, we've only grown more impressed."
Gregg Stephens Portrait ORIG

Gregg Stephens, Fraud & BSA Manager, Digital Federal Credit Union