Digital Fraud Network Application
We invite you to apply as an early adopter of the Digital Fraud Network which allows Financial Institutions (FI’s) to work together to fight sophisticated fraud. Currently, the Digital Fraud Network is in Pilot mode and in a community-focused effort we want to get your input as to how to make this beneficial and successful for all.
What is the Pilot?
The Digital Fraud Network (DFN) is a community-focused effort to securely share intelligence about fraudulent digital identities across financial institutions in real time.
What kinds of fraud does it detect?
The DFN shares intelligence about risky identities such as synthetic identities, identity theft, friendly fraud, account take over, money mules, deposit fraud, ACH transfers and others .
What stage is it in?
The DFN is currently in Pilot mode. The Network platform has been developed to enable secure sharing of digital identities between FI’s while maintaining data privacy. We are currently accepting applications from Early Adopters.
How does it work?
Early Adopters are provided access to the Network via a secure API to check whether their new account applications match previously identities previously reported as fraudulent.
Do government regulators approve?
Yes, in fact our teams have worked with various government agencies, including the FDIC, FinCEN, Federal Reserve, NCUA and OCC to obtain their guidance and support for a new way to combat digital identity fraud.
What do we have to do?
Early adopters receive a secure API connection to quickly become part of the Network. Participants can test their accounts for fraud “match/no-matches” and contribute known fraudulent identities to the Network. We also encourage your feedback on use-cases and analytics capabilities that the Network can deliver.
Will this cost me anything?
We provide multiple Tiers of pricing based on usage, including a free Tier for limited testing during the Pilot. Charter Members will receive deeply discounted fees and other benefits.
How do I join?
We are actively building the community! Upon approval, you will receive timelines and access to the secure API to query against the Digital Fraud Network.
Please fill out the below information to submit your application and we will let you know if you have been selected, and what the next steps are within 7-10 business days